Milica is a porn star. She’s my own private, personal porn star. But she’s a star.
She’s featured in an as-yet-to-be-determined number of upcoming films. In the coming days, she will make promotional posters for each of them for me.
There are some rules for these posters. The rules will evolve, as we learn what works for us my cock:
- They will not feature explicit nudity – these posters are of the sort that used to be seen in video rental stores – suggestive – strongly suggestive – but not explicit. [Note: I’m not averse to toplessness in, say, 1/4-1/3 of the images across the totality of this assignment, but toplessness should be used strategically, and to devastating effect.]
- They will feature unbridled, undeniable sexuality, suggestion – lots of cleavage, underboob, panties, curves, ass flesh of the sort that could survive a PG-13 rating (subject to the prior qualification re: toplessness)
- Each poster will faithfully address all the elements of the title of each “film”
- Each poster will contain at least one image – and no more than five
- Text (as shown in all the examples below) is welcome, but not required
We will iterate this process – with constructive (hard) criticism and feedback, to get to insane hotness by the end.
The first film – for which I hope (but don’t demand) to receive a proposed poster image or three this evening – is titled, “Milica cooks a spicy dinner.” Her next film project – currently still in development – will be “Milica makes her first oral argument“
If I receive this poster in the next ninety minutes (starting at 6:45 pm Eastern), Milica may (must) also come for me, in what she has worn in the image(s) in the poster, using her fingers.
Here are a few box covers/posters from back in the day, of the sort I have in mind. Several of these feature multiple models, including men. I don’t expect Milica to recruit others for this project (but bonus points if she does). Rather, I’m trying to communicate my thoughts about style: