One of my favorite things to do with a favored distant (or in-person) buddy is – inspired by her individual person/ality and body – to select/compile a photoshoot that I would like to see her replicate, generally.
Since we haven’t yet gotten to know one another, I can’t offer you the opportunity to execute such a task – I can’t select photos just for you, designed to show me your body just as I would (will, do) want to see it. Because I don’t know it. Yet.
I can, though, offer you the chance to get me started on such an endeavor. Take a look at these photos:
Send me your own adaptation of one or more of them. Could be identical, but with your body. Could be simply inspired by it in some way (lighting, mood, clothing, position, style). Could be gesturally, or more, of a replica. Could be something else.
You can’t get this wrong.
Click here to submit.