Readers know I love me a good threesome.
In recent days, Charlotte and I have been navigating the shoals of jealousy. She, jealous of my incipient relationship with Sarah; I, jealous of her incipient relationship with Mr. A. It doesn’t matter that her jealousy is… well, wrong (whatever happens between Sarah and me, it’s no threat to my ardor for Charlotte), and mine is, well, right (Mr. A. does represent a bona fide threat to my relationship with Charlotte, in at least two ways – first, because he’s possible boyfriend material; and second, because, as a dom, he may well make demands of her which are inconsistent with her relationship with me).
No – jealousy (and every other emotion) knows no reason. Charlotte’s jealous. And I’m jealous.
And, let’s just toss into the mix that Charlotte and I have been discussing – for months now – the prospect of a threesome. This is something Charlotte has said she’s interested in exploring with me. (And the threesome we’re contemplating is two women, one man. I had a few MMF threesomes back in the day; they’re not for me. Not because I’m squicky about boy parts, or a little gay-ness. But because it’s not my thing.) So it’s something Charlotte’s said she’s interested in exploring with me, but the one little bit of data we have – our first trip to a strip club – wasn’t encouraging in this regard. Charlotte reacted strongly to seeing me caress the back of a stripper. We had a subsequent trip to the same strip club, and confronted none of that particular reaction. But then, there were no really compelling strippers.
So here we are, Charlotte and me – planning a visit to a sex party (Omicron willing), and talking about threesomes, when Sarah arrives on the scene.
As I’ve written, Charlotte feels a bit jealous of Sarah. Not so much because of any actual threat, but because she – like many (all?) of us – fears replacement, fears comparison, fears loss. And in general, my experience is that jealousy is a really dangerous ingredient in a threesome.
A couple of thoughts, before we get to the specifics: first, as I wrote, jealousy is a dangerous ingredient in a threesome. I did not write that it’s a prohibitive ingredient, or a toxic ingredient. I don’t believe that. I’ve been in a bunch of threesomes in my life, and I have yet to be in even one which didn’t feature some jealousy.
I’ve been in a couple of threesomes where the jealousy sent things sideways. One with Isabel about which there’s no evidence on this blog. One with a woman who asked that I remove all posts about her because reasons.
And, I’ve been in more where it didn’t.
My view of jealousy – and indeed, of all emotions, is that the secret isn’t to avoid it, but to be interested in it. So as Charlotte headed off for a date recently, I worked hard to communicate what I was feeling, to take care of myself – and cause Charlotte to take care of me – and to lean into the jealousy, to feel it, to experience it, to learn from it.
Charlotte’s reaction to jealousy, thus far, has been courageous, but still aversive. I have a lot more experience sitting with my emotions.
But Charlotte has expressed interest, now, not just in a generic threesome, but in a specific threesome – with Sarah. Pictures have been shared. Face pictures. Body pictures. And, a day or so ago, we had a sort of virtual three-way, in which I had the two of them come for me – alone – at the same moment, and then shared their orgasms with one another. (And, thanks to each of their generosity, with you!)
The two happened simutaneously (as we say in my family).
We are working our way toward an in-person meeting – the first of which will be essentially platonic. We’ve planned it to be time-limited, and to take sex off the table: no danger of anyone going to bed with anyone. Or at least, no danger of me going to bed with anyone.
For what it’s worth, I don’t have the sense that Sarah is particularly vulnerable to jealousy – at least not in the relationship she and I are starting. That may be wrong; perhaps I’ll learn that when she pre-reads this post. But I don’t think so.
Charlotte, though? We have to work our way up to actually putting girl parts next to girl parts next to boy parts. Fingers crossed we get there, and that we get there soon. Because these are two smoking hot women. And the idea of any of the various boxes on that particular bingo card makes my cock stiffer than… well, than just about anything.