Editor’s note: I wrote this some time ago. Charlotte didn’t like it. She felt – not wrongly – that I had phoned it in just a bit. I knew she wanted me to write about her, and as has happened a bunch in the past – particularly with Sofia – it’s hard for me to write for a woman. I write about women. I write to women. But it’s very hard for me to write for them. After our exchange about this post, I wrote this post. That one landed a lot better than this one did. I’m hopeful that Charlotte will permit me to share this with you – both because it’s filled with hot audio, and because it captures a moment in an actual, real-life relationship. One of the ways I differ from a lot of the men out there having “casual sex” is that I don’t have casual sex very often. When I get sexually involved with someone, I get emotionally involved with them. And this post, and Charlotte’s reaction to it, and my reaction to her reaction – that’s all part of what it is to be in a relationship with me. And it’s part of Charlotte’s and my relationship. So it’s worth your reading.
I don’t even know where to begin. I haven’t been writing much. There’s been lots going on in real life. Some difficult, challenging stuff, and some good stuff, and some neutral stuff. Mostly, just… stuff.
But my inbox overflows with Charlotte. And here’s a bit of a catch-up. It’s not everything she’s sent, of late. Not even close. But it’s a lot.
And… we just made a plan to see one another again. So there’s that. I’m telling myself that she’ll spend hours sucking my cock, but, as I said to her this evening, “I think it’s not possible for me to spend a night with you and not collect at least a dozen orgasms from you.”
“You could definitely do better than that,” she pointed out.
“I’m just saying. If my goal is to have you do nothing other than suck my cock, I will fail.”
“We could try really hard,” she said. “But obviously, I prefer to orgasm.”
And that’s a true statement. Charlotte does prefer to orgasm.
As you can see, in abundance, below. And I apologize. I’m so far behind, I can’t even describe all this hotness. You just have to listen. To all of it.
This was three orgasms, in rapid succession, after Charlotte had a date – not with me – and I was feeling petulant.
There were more. I believe at least one of these may actually be an orgasm or five. But FUCK is this woman fun.
[And, just for fun, here’s what I listened to while writing the italicized preamble to this post: