My now, you should have read parts 1 and 2. If you haven’t, start with those. And then, read on….
I have pretty much always felt thus about sex parties: they’re incredibly interesting. I might divide them into three categories: intimate soirees, sumptuous bacchanals, and swingers’ clubs. Each is differently interesting to me. Each, differently hot (or not). This night was hot enough – the setting was very thoughtfully done up, and/but… there’s only so much you can do when there are only seven people, and, effectively, three couples. There’s just not enough permutations possible for it to be over the top. This evening wasn’t over the top. It was fun. And it was, it turns out, probably not a bad introduction for Charlotte to the world of sex parties and clubs. But.
After we had chomped on a few too many of Palagia’s yummy snacks (the chocolate covered pretzels, in particular), Charlotte and I decided to go have some private time. I wanted her mouth on my cock. I wanted, it seemed, my cock in her pussy. I wanted more. And I wanted us to be in private. Charlotte agreed.
So we kissed all goodnight, said our farewells, and hopped in a five-minute cab to a hotel I booked on my phone. We checked in. Made out a little in the elevator, and let ourselves into our generic room.
The rest of the evening is a blur to me. A delicious, delightful, blur. What I can tell you is this: Charlotte and I fucked more than ever before. There was some missionary pounding. Some pounding with her legs behind her ears. And a whole lot of her riding me. Charlotte came while fucking me a number of times (was it one? three? fifteen? I honestly don’t recall). She rode me, hard. We’ve had a little negotiation over the her-on-top configuration. It is, honestly, my favorite position to fuck: woman on top, me in control of her hips, her neck, her head, fucking hard from below. For Charlotte – who generally submits pretty perfectly to me, this position somehow renders her not submissive. “If I’m on top, I want to be in control,” she told me.
Whatever. I don’t mind being fucked. At. All.
So Charlotte took the reins, and she rode me a fair amount. My favorite moment – one she doesn’t recall – was when she pounded the wall with her hands violently. I liked that.
“I want you to fuck me from behind!” Charlotte said.
“I know.”
“I really do!”
“I know,” I said.
Perhaps I will fuck her from behind. I’ve done it, once or twice, but only briefly. It just isn’t my favorite position. But I’ve been sustaining erections while fucking Charlotte more and more. So who knows what will be possible in the future.
On this evening, though, it wasn’t to be. Instead, I had her play with herself a bit, standing, facing me. I don’t remember if we ever actually used her vibrator. I think so, but – as I said – blur.
Mainly what I recall is the enormous amount of fun, and fun conversation, and orgasms that she had. At my tongue. On my cock. At her own fingers. As per usual, I left Charlotte dozing in the bed, and made my way home.
What a fun, funny night!
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