- Her face: she is pretty, with bright brown eyes, brown hair. High cheekbones, and a slender jawline, a long nose, and slender, but full, lips. Her smile is sweet. Cute. But naughty. Dirty. I see her face all the time, because – good judgment or not – Marina happily sends me photos and videos with her face in them. As she strips for me, as she plays with herself for me, as she comes for me. I’m a very lucky guy in this regard.
- Her hair: it’s long-ish. Wavy. It’s just about nipple-length, if pulled straight/wet. Occasionally, she gives me a glimpse of it in a bun, or up. When she does? It’s like she’s a different (equally beautiful) person.
- Her breasts: 34B/C. Full. Perky. Round. They ebb and flow with her menstrual cycle, but they’re always, always, infinitely grab-able, bite-able, squeeze-able. I satisfy myself by directing her to pinch her nipples, caress them, squeeze her breasts, at a distance. I am left with the poor substitute of watching, in two dimensions.
- Her height: she’s 5’1″, I believe. Fun-sized. Tiny. It’s hard for me to get much of a sense of this at a distance, though, occasionally, I’ll have her pose herself with a reference object – a bottle of liquor, a soccer ball. Something that lets me see just how tiny she is, how toss-able, manipulable.
- Her curves: she has a slender waist that flares out into hips. Not big hips. But hips. There’s a roundness, a curvature, a place to grab. And it’s delicious.
- Her ass/thighs/cunt: here is where I could spend months. Her legs and thighs are muscular, but not muscly. They’re strong, and often scraped up from hiking. The thighs are meaty, and they meet at her cunt which is delicious, which I’ve come to know more intimately than the average distant buddy’s cunt, as I’ve found myself hungrier for it – and she’s fed me. She keeps the hair trimmed – more closely trimmed than I might choose. But I don’t get to choose. It’s her body. Her cunt’s lips are full, and I swear to you, I have a solid guess as to how they will feel, how they will taste, when, finally, I’m allowed to lower my mouth on her, to feast on her clit, to devour her.
- Her openness: Marina basically doesn’t say “no.” I’m trying, in fact, to get her to say “no” more often, because she’s so eager to say “yes,” that she often does so to things she’s not in a position to deliver. And/but… I treasure and value her willingness to tackle just about any challenge I throw her way.
- Her vulnerability: pretty much anywhere I want to go, emotionally, Marina allows me to take her. We’ve been down some dark alleys together, alleys of abandonment and mistrust and mistreatment and depredations. But at the end of the day, Marina hears me when I speak, she listens, and she shares with me what she feels, to the very greatest of her ability. And then some. And this, this is a prize for me.
- Her availability: this has been a double-edged sword. For months, Marina was, essentially, mine for the taking. Increasingly, she is taken. By another guy. By friends. By her de-quarantined life. This has resulted in a big loss for me. I crave as much of her as she’ll give me – and more. And she’s given me so very, very much….
- Her voice: Marina’s voice is deep, a tiny bit husky. It’s not the higher “girl-y” voice I often am drawn to. She speaks with confidence, with self-knowledge, but with curiosity and eagerness. She and I often trade audio recordings, and I delight in listening to her speak, even when she’s saying things I’d prefer not to hear.
I’ve written before about my “type” – tiny, brunette, curly hair. Marina is it. My type isn’t exclusive: I like plenty of women who don’t fit it at all. But damn, Marina is my type.