– Port my blog to a new web host for me
– Finish the task of printing it
– Download all the porn from 2 or 3 web sites I choose, catalog it, and, perhaps, make me some inspired by the cataloging
– Catch up on my accounting/bookkeeping
– Catalog/organize 20 years worth of digital photos
– Digitize/catalog/organize all analog photos
– Go through my clothes. Recommend deaccession opportunities, as well as suggest new additions
– Clean my office, documenting your cleaning photographically (bending over, scrubbing, etc)
– Recommend OKC, Tinder, or other profiles of women to join us. Pursue them. Procure them.
– Make me various healthy lunches. Serve them to me. On your body.
For starters.
In general, all these tasks would have photographic, audio, and/or video components.
Haha I want one too!