Hellian, who sent me a few orgasms, made me a few videos, and sent me a few photos, all smoking hot. We made a plan. And then, having made the plan, she started to recede. First, gently – she told me that she had read the word “wife” one too many times on my blog, in our interactions (I used it once in our interactions), and what she called her “morals” kicked in. That said, we still had a plan, to meet, to chat. She reaffirmed the plan. And then, disappeared. Not a word.
Jade, who came for me in a coffee shop. I’ll confess, I knew Jade was disappearing. I wasn’t too sad. The energy wasn’t there between us. Even though she did as I asked, she did so perfunctorily. And more perfunctorily as we proceeded. When she answered “Perhaps,” to an imagining of mine – as opposed to “Yes!” – I knew we were done. Being me, I let out a little more rope, in hopes of being proven wrong, but…. I wasn’t wrong.
And the one about whom I wrote this post, of course, also disappeared, although I must say, in this instance, I feel like I deserve at least equal credit for her disappearance, as I am reasonably confident that I know what I’d need to say to resume our dance of death. Not that it would lead anywhere other than death (metaphorically). But still….