I find myself a bit mystified when it comes to the traffic to this blog.
Sometimes, I attract 200 or more readers a day. Other times, fewer than 100. Right now, it’s about 75. Every so often, the numbers will jump – as they did, once, when Playboy linked to me – to thousands of views in a day. When that happens? It takes months for the numbers to die down, as there’s a dual effect: first views, from people arriving from the popular page that linked to me; and repeat views, from those who like what they find.
I can’t really figure out what makes the numbers increase, what makes them decrease. At times, I’ve thought it had something to do with the frequency of my posts. But that seems wrong. As I’ve been posting daily for a while now, and my numbers are about as low as they ever get. At other times, I’ve thought it had something to do with the content of my posts. But I think that’s wrong, too. I just can’t figure it out.
It used to be (years and years ago), that Google would tell me the search terms that led people to my blog. That data is much more inaccessible than it once was. I’m sure smarter people than I – or people who care more than I do – could determine just what search terms lead people to me. Occasionally, I try. Inevitably, I fail.
Best I can tell – and I’m mostly stuck to inference – people most often get here by Googling “I want to lick your pussy,” or something like this. This is Google’s assessment of the pages people have viewed most often over the last year:

The page with the most views is my home page. That’s primarily people who are repeat visitors. Google doesn’t tend to lead people there; rather, it leads them to individual posts.
People seem to be drawn to pages that don’t really represent what this blog is about – other than the “my story” page. All the other pages (maybe excluding the “help wanted” page) are pages that, I have the sense, people looking for porn have found. I don’t know what “not set” means.
If you Google “male sex blog” or “male sex blogger” you get… me. I’m always surprised that that search doesn’t yield more results. Even “man sex blog” turns me up as #4.
Anyone got any tips for me? How can I make sure that the people who should be finding me are finding me? (Or maybe they are, and there just aren’t that many.)
Another thing I’ve always wondered, but never asked about. This is so curious to me. What are the numbers like today?
Very low!