Tasks for Charlotte on a busy day

I hope you can accomplish as many of these as possible for me:

  1. Please provide the third photo I asked for to accompany the “writing prompt” post.
  2. To the extent privacy permits… please come as many times as you can for me.
  3. To the extent privacy permits… please send me as many photos of your face, breasts, and cunt/thighs as you can for me.
  4. Please update me on any conversations you have had with women.
  5. Please create another writing prompt for me. [Write about your most ideal date with me – if we had infinite time and could do whatever and no rules.]
  6. Please tell me one thing that didn’t happen in your threesome with R and N that you hope will happen next time. Involving N. [I think I would have wanted R] to go down on me and N to sit on my face.]
  7. Please write me a short note including my name (“N.”) and the word “cock,” and send me a photo of that note. [See below]
  8. Please send me a link to a song that makes you happy.
  9. Please send me a TikTok video that makes you happy.
  10. Please show me one piece of lingerie you would love to own. [This.]
Charlottes note
Her lingerie choice

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