You know that sensation? (If you have a cock, you do.)
It’s just… really hard. The word we often use to describe the sensation is to say that it’s “aching,” but this isn’t quite right. “Ache” suggests pain, and it’s not really painful. It’s more in the secondary sense, the sense in which when you “ache for” something, you have an unfulfilled hunger.
And the thing about my aching cock is that what it aches for is, honestly, not what most people think of when they think of cocks aching. It’s neither aching for a particular person, nor for a fuck.
No, what my cock is aching for is simply the sensation of being touched, firmly, softly, but extensively.
Here’s hoping it gets what it’s aching for.
Nothing right or wrong about a hard cock, but does it get hard at the right time?