“I just want to thank you,” Penelope said, as Rose, she, and I were saying good night.
“Seriously. I was really nervous coming in, and you made me feel really… comfortable. You know, you could have been super intimidating, but you weren’t. You were… I don’t know, I can’t think of the word. But I wasn’t worried, I wasn’t uncomfortable. Given how you write, given how dominant you are, I don’t know – I sort of expected, feared, I don’t know…. But you were…. I don’t know. It was really good, though. Thank you.”
We talked about my recent posts on whether I’m intimidating or not. She said, “Not at all.”
I offered some possible words for the one she was lacking. “Kind? Approachable? Friendly? Open?”
“No,” she said. “I don’t know….”
A day later, she e-mailed me.
“Harmless. That’s the word.”
“Next time, I’ll harm you,” I replied.
Harmless. Harmless?
I’m not sure that’s quite the vibe I was going for, but I’ll take it.
Harmless? That got me chuckling!
I’m sure it wasn’t the vibe you were going for!
And I’m not sure you took it as a compliment either.
But I suppose it’s better than intimidating 🙂
Why is it that, of the whole comment, I seem to have retained only one word? And no, it’s not harmless. After all, I know you’re not, you wmacked me the other day, Sir 😉
And it’s not dangerous either 🙂
LOL! Looks harmless – a wolf hiding under the sheep skin!