
“I just want to thank you,” Penelope said, as Rose, she, and I were saying good night.

“Seriously. I was really nervous coming in, and you made me feel really… comfortable. You know, you could have been super intimidating, but you weren’t. You were… I don’t know, I can’t think of the word. But I wasn’t worried, I wasn’t uncomfortable. Given how you write, given how dominant you are, I don’t know – I sort of expected, feared, I don’t know…. But you were…. I don’t know. It was really good, though. Thank you.”

We talked about my recent posts on whether I’m intimidating or not. She said, “Not at all.”

I offered some possible words for the one she was lacking. “Kind? Approachable? Friendly? Open?”

“No,” she said. “I don’t know….”

A day later, she e-mailed me.

“Harmless. That’s the word.”

“Next time, I’ll harm you,” I replied.

Harmless. Harmless?

I’m not sure that’s quite the vibe I was going for, but I’ll take it. Winking smile


  1. Harmless? That got me chuckling!
    I’m sure it wasn’t the vibe you were going for!
    And I’m not sure you took it as a compliment either.
    But I suppose it’s better than intimidating 🙂

      1. Why is it that, of the whole comment, I seem to have retained only one word? And no, it’s not harmless. After all, I know you’re not, you wmacked me the other day, Sir 😉
        And it’s not dangerous either 🙂

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