
We hadn’t met.

Our Tinder back-and-forth had quickly progressed to an e-mail back-and-forth.

I had learned some things.

She’s sexy, petite, 30. Married (in an open marriage). A “turbo-slut,” she said.

She complied nearly perfectly from the start. My only gripe was that her compliance, though perfect, wasn’t always instant. (I’m a tough customer.)

She comfortably sent me pictures of her face. (I never asked.)

Her face – pretty in each shot – also looked different in each shot. As if she had sent me pictures of ten different pretty young women.

In that way that sometimes happens, I knew, even before we’d met, that we were going to be having sex within an hour of meeting. When everything’s right, this is how it goes.

And this is how it went.

Earlier in the day, I had e-mailed her: “Please may I see you? I’m very hungry. Which is good. Since soon, I’ll be fed.”

She replied, “I’m sorry, I’m in back to back meetings today. Will try to sneak away when I can.”

(See? Not instant gratification.)

I replied, “Did I mention I’m hungry? I hope you are.”

“I am. Very,” she said.

N: Fortuitous
R: Isn’t it? (I sincerely hope you’re not a serial killer. I like my head on my body, not in a fridge.)
N: Practicality: you decide the following. Would you prefer that we speak before my cock is in your mouth? I can understand wanting to reassure yourself/get comfortable. And I can imagine hungering for a little connection and comfort first. Your choice. And. Tell me what word, spoken twice, should cause me to pause, and spoken thrice, should cause me to stop, whatever it is I’m doing.
R: Yes, please. “Blue.”

Three hours later, we kissed hello. She was every bit as pretty (and cute, and sexy) as her pictures had led me to imagine, and I could sort of see all the different faces she had sent merge together into the one that was before me. We drank our two drinks quickly. She told me about her Tumblr. About the star she met through Tinder whom she’s about to fuck. We discussed basic biographical details.

We agreed that, truthfully, my cock should be in her mouth.

And we left the bar.


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