N’s Sapphic Soiree approaches

Two female silhouettes above the words, "N's Sapphic Soiree"

The cast of characters is taking shape:

Polina: started as a stretching companion, became a model and a muse, and an occasional dinner companion.

Serena: you’ve read lots about her. This is a little bit of an encore performance by her, as we no longer date.

Amira: we’ve been on 3 or 4 smoking hot dates. I wrote about one. We have little interaction between our dates, but she’s up for just about anything

Cee: we began stretching a few weeks ago, introduced by Shakira (about whom I wrote only once). She mentioned to me she was going to be in town, and I told her about my blog, and this night, for the first time. Imagine my delight when – having honestly not even really flirted with one another – she signed up enthusiastically.

Saya: a stretching companion of mine, Moroccan, gorgeous, young, playful.

Elena: a (smoking hot, if photos are to be trusted) friend of Saya’s I’ve never met.

And Anastasia – my delightful coordinatrix, partner in crime, and collaborator.

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