Hyacinth (to my knowledge, the only other blogger with “Dissolute” in the name of her blog) confessed to crushing on me recently. I returned the compliment, first in a comment to a post, and then in an aside in a post of my own.
But here, I’m doing it in its own, full fledged, post: I have a blog crush on Hyacinth. (There. I said it.)
The only question is, what happens when bloggers crush?
A) Writing
B) Writing
C) Writing
D) All of the above
So, Hy – I challenge you: post something that’s explicitly for me, intended explicitly to get me off.
I’m hoping that this is a start to getting you off, but I promise – there’ll be more.
Well…my interest is piqued…I will be following this development closely…I love seeing people live up to sexually-charged literary challenges.