You are new to this. You’ve given me forty-five minutes. A very specific forty-five minutes, when, in fact, I will not be in a position to interact with you in real time in the way that would make this most hot.
No worries.
I will make it work.
So here are your instructions:
9 pm: Take three photos for me. Show me your face. Show me your breasts (in what you’re wearing). Show me your cunt (in what you’re wearing). If you’re nude? Or partially nude? Figure out how to protect my eyes. I’m a delicate flower. Let your images be no more revealing than the strictures of PG-13 would permit.
9:05 pm: Write, for no more than two minutes, in your hand-writing, about what you will imagine, what you will fantasize about, when you start touching your pussy for me, in five minutes. Snap a photo of that handwritten prediction. Send it to me. If you finish all this before 9:10? Close your eyes and breathe, slowly, until 9:10. [Set a timer?]
9:10 pm: Time to start touching yourself. Please – your goal here is not to come. You will spend the next thirty minutes touching yourself for me. First, set a timer for thirty minutes. You don’t want to miss your opportunity actually to have an orgasm. Second, set your phone on “stopwatch.” Press “start.” And now, in 30-second cycles, you will touch yourself for twenty seconds, and then stop touching yourself for ten seconds. If, for any reason, you feel yourself approaching orgasm – stop. You may, if need be, touch yourself for less than thirty seconds to avoid any sort of involuntary capitulation. But you may not take a break of longer than ten seconds. [Note: I’m not, yet, familiar with your orgasms. I don’t know if this will be easy or difficult; if it will bring you to the edge, or leave you nowhere near it. After we are done, you will give me a comprehensive report on these questions.]
9:40 pm: Would that I would be in a position to extract a little begging from you at this moment, but, alas, I will be indisposed at precisely the peak of your desire. No worries. At 9:40, I would like two things from you. First, a brief recording of your voice (could be video, too), asking (begging?) me to allow you to come. Imagine my response coming in real time. And, second? A photo, of your eyes. Nothing more.
9:40-9:45: If you were able to send me a recording of you asking (begging?) me to allow you to come, then, press this link [removed because included personal information, but said, essentially, “Good girl – now come for me.”], and follow the instructions there. If, on the other hand, you were not able to send me such a recording? Then? Please don’t click the link. And just… go about your day.
Either way… thank you!