Make my cock hard again (#MMCHA)

I’m not a hater. In the coming weeks, months, years, I plan to get to know as many people as possible whose politics are different than mine, who supported the presidential candidate who scares me at least as much as my candidate scared them.

And one of my early New Year’s resolutions is, therefore, to lick the clit of at least one bona fide Trump supporter in 2017. And, to feed my cock to one, as well. Oh, yes – and to spank one. Hard.

Really hard.


It’s the least I can do. Really.

I’m only half joking. Trump does scare me. I want desperately to believe he’s not Hitler, or Putin, or even George W. Bush, but I’m scared, because I don’t know that he’s not. It scares me that I don’t know in my bones that he’s not going to round up my friends and neighbors, that he’s not going to erode the civil rights so many people have fought, sacrificed, and even died for. His rhetoric terrifies me, and the frothy mob anger and violence he whips up – and seems to give tacit or even explicit approval to – worries me. Bigly.

But the ways in which we’re divided scare me, too. My Facebook feed is awful. I don’t know a single Trump supporter, so it’s filled with hundreds of scared and angry liberals, posting all sorts of hateful bile about Trump supporters. The sort of hateful bile that makes at least some violence on our side likely, if not inevitable, too. As in this story, here. Just as Trump is tolerating all sorts of hateful speech, those of us on the left are, in our hysteria, contributing to the pandemonium.

I want to be clear: I’m scared. Terrified. I’m scared about what Trump might do, and I’m worried about the divide in the country.

I’m eager to see people’s thoughts about how we can protect the rights of those vulnerable to Trump’s rhetoric and promised actions (and to the bullying and violence his rhetoric incites) – immigrants, Muslims, members of the LGBTQ community, women, people of color, the disabled, journalists, etc. But I don’t want to see hate. I don’t want to see my friends and family continue to fail to understand the appeal of Trump, and worse, to demean, diminish, and show contempt for those to whom he appeals.

Van Jones went to Gettysburg and met with a family there. Their politics aren’t mine, and they believe things I don’t believe. But they’re good people. Not racist. Not homophobic. Not bigoted. Not anti-immigrant. They’re good people who rightly or wrongly felt incredibly threatened by the Democratic Party in general, and by its chosen presidential nominee in particular. They clearly feel that Trump was the lesser of two evils.

Never mind that that’s not how I saw it at all. I do – or rather, I can – see where they’re coming from.

That’s why my answer here is sex.

Let’s all just have a lot of sex with each other.

That has to work, doesn’t it? I don’t think I possibly could hate a woman whose thighs are squeezing my ears as I lick her clit, or whose eyes are tearing as she feels my cock deep in her throat.

As so many Clinton supporters said, “Love Trumps Hate.”

  • And a postscript on Hillary Clinton: Whatever you think of her (and I for one think she would have been as good a president as she was a bad candidate), candidates have exactly one job: to get elected. She failed. I keep writing other thoughts to follow that conclusion, but whatever I say would just get me in hot water, so I won’t say it. You don’t come here to read about my politics. You come here to read about sex (for the most part).


In my 20s, I had a crush on Hillary. I thought she was smoking hot, much to the chagrin of at least one good friend, who used to mock me for my hard-on for her. Nowadays, I’m looking for my next political hard-on….

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