When I tell AI what I want, when it comes to image generation, more often than not it gives me a pretty good approximation thereof. There are considerations I have to bear in mind: if I don’t want all women to be in their 20s, white, and conventionally attractive, I have to be explicit about that. If I’m using Mage, there’s a particular tropism toward sexualization that, honestly, I mostly welcome. But.
Occasionally, though, I stumble on something weird.
Today, because reasons, I asked Midjourney for an image of a women’s AA meeting. I imagined I would get images along these lines:

I was wrong. Instead, I got this collection of… I don’t even know what.

I. Can’t. Even.
(FWIW, I have been completely unable to generate even one image remotely close to what I had in mind, no matter how hard I work the prompt. I’m not sure what that means.)