Sex is fun.
Threesomes are more fun than twosomes, generally.
And anticipation? That, actually, is the best part of sex, for me. Not that I don’t like the part where we’re touching. But the part before it? That’s the part that makes the part where we’re touching more than just… friction.
Sarah, Charlotte and I are approaching an afternoon in which we’ll spend several hours with our bits touching. But right now, we’re in the lead-up.
I instructed each of them to spend ten minutes touching their clits – five, outside their panties; five, inside. Sarah has gotten in the habit of sending me video. Charlotte, audio. (Charlotte surprised me with a smoking hot video.) I synchronized them. So for ten minutes, each of them was doing the same thing, several miles apart, for me. Meanwhile, I asked them to give me writing prompts.
Sarah responded first: “Don’t be gentle with me.”
“Send me a picture I can post with it,” I wrote in response. “And then I’ll start writing.”
Charlotte wrote, “I want you to write in detail your fantasy of me and Sarah hooking up while you watch.“
To her, I wrote a similar response: “Will do. Send me a picture of you to accompany it. Give Sarah direction as to the picture of her to include….”
So. Fucking. Hot.
So as these two hot women – women with whom I will spend an ungodly number of minutes in just a few (but an infinite number of) hours – touch themselves, for me, in tandem, I write…..
Postscript: you’ll see what I wrote tomorrow, and the day after. But I fear I am just overwhelmed with manic excitement, and my writing isn’t what it might be. Perhaps I’ll revisit one or both. Sarah, Charlotte – I’m all ears for any suggestions you have as to how I might improve what I’ve written/what you’d like to hear more about.