This is the ad I placed that resulted in my hiring my two trainers (and having a terrific time interviewing a bunch of others):
I’m an attractive, driven, professional, successful man. There’s a gaping hole in my life: I can’t muster the enthusiasm or motivation to establish a regular work-out routine.
I belong to a gym, and I had a thought. If my motivation comes solely from the desire to get physically fit, I know (from experience) that I simply won’t make it work.
But if my motivation is augmented by visual and interpersonal stimulation, if I’m being motivated by a hot, explicitly sexual female trainer, I think I can do it.
THIS IS NOT AN AD FOR SEX. I’m not looking for anything other than a good personal trainer, someone who can tap into my motivation to help me get fit a couple of days a week. But if it’s to work, she has to be hot, and has to be ok with the idea that her hotness, the clothes she wears to work out in, our interactions, are at least partially about my being sexually attracted/turned-on.
I’m not gross or a creep. I’m a guy with a little self-knowledge. I’m not looking to do anything that would make anyone feel uncomfortable. I just want to recognize how difficult motivation is for me, and add a little external motivation that might get me over the proverbial hump.
I placed the ad on Craigslist in February 2010. I hired several different women to work with me, but over the more than two years since then, it’s been two of them with whom I’ve “settled down.” They’ve been great for me – I’ve lost a ton of weight, gotten in shape, and I look good.
Plus, they’re fun!
Only on craigslist could you do this…lol it’s awesome that it worked for you because as you’s about knowing yourself and getting what you need to be who you want to be without manipulating or using anyone. Symbiosis man. Well done
Funnily enough, all the trainers I met said I was the same as every other male client, except that I was honest.
But it’s just that kind of honesty and self awareness that’s so rare in “normal” society. That’s one of the things I like the most about the BDSM community….there’s alot of encouragement to get to know yourself and then simply go after what you want. No beating around the bush…just hit the damn bush 😉
Indeed. And thankfully, I’m fit enough to do that, now.