
I’m not submissive.  I’ve never really submitted to a woman.  Occasionally, I’ve allowed myself to be handcuffed or restrained or blindfolded.  But nothing more than that.

Lately, I’ve found myself imagining submitting more comprehensively.  How would it feel to let go of control?  To let go of the ability to direct the action?  To have a sexual encounter that might go in a direction – any direction – other than that I might prefer?  I think I want to try this soon….

Yesterday, I found myself briefly in back-and-forth with Jade Morey, the Southeast Director of, and a right-wing apologist for the Komen Foundation’s recent ridiculous missteps.  Without going into the Tweet history (which is excellent), Jade Morey tweeted, of those who complained about Komen’s stupidity, that we should “cry [her] a river.”  Karen Handel, Komen’s Vice President for Public Policy, and a former Georgia Secretary of State, re-tweeted Morey’s “cry me a river” tweet.

I responded to another of Morey’s tweets, lamenting left-wing “hatred” of her, “Oh, we don’t hate you. We pity you and wish you’d keep your opinions off our bodies.”  I can’t quote her response perfectly, because she’s now protected her tweets and removed the history (and she won’t let me follow her Sad smile).  But basically she said, “Ew, like I’d ever want to touch your body.”

Which got me to thinking….

She’s kind of hot, in an insanely white kind of way, and she’s got a sort of Domme-y way about her.

I started writing a really really raunchy fantasy (suffice it to say, it made me feel dirty to write it), and thought about posting it here.  But then I thought that, in that, there was a kind of a molestation.  Maybe a funny one, but a molestation nonetheless.

I don’t think that her kids (if she has any) should EVER have to read what I imagined doing with her, her doing to me.  No kid should ever have to read that about their mom.

And here’s a difference between her and me:  out of respect for her, for her privacy, I’m prepared to keep my opinion to myself, because I know that just because I think something, just because I want something, doesn’t mean that everyone else should have to have their lives altered in service of my perverse thoughts.

(But man, it was a good fantasy….)

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