What is it about these words, “lover” and “play”?
For me, they’re (almost) always a turn-off. Not just a turn-off. A dispositive, not-gonna-go-there turn-off.
I have a bunch of associations with the words, none positive, and for better or for worse, I draw a certain set of conclusions about just about anyone who uses them.
There’s one exception that I can think of – the Historian. But apart from her, whenever a woman uses these words, it makes me not want to fuck her.
To me, the words signal a seriousness – a SELF-seriousness – that is repulsive. I don’t take myself at all seriously. I think I’m smart, articulate, good-looking, fun in bed, creative, and FUNNY. Especially in bed.
To me, “lovers” don’t laugh in bed, they don’t even smile. When they’re “playing,” they’re deadly serious.
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