I love when you suck my cock. My cock needs to be in your mouth. I crave the warmth, the wetness, the softness. The friction, the movement, the pressure. The swirling of your tongue, the sounds of your saliva. All of it.
When I see a woman*, before I see anything else, I see her mouth. I see her lips – are they slender, thin? Are they thick, luscious? Do they turn up at the edges? Down? Does the top one extend straight across? Or does it turn down, and up again, in the middle? How far apart are the lips? Do they open wide? Or just a little? Do the lips turn inward? Outward? This morning, I found myself cataloging the lips of the women I passed.
I take all this in, instantly, when I see a woman. I can’t help myself.
I’m not a big fan of the Met-Art porn site – their aesthetic is not mine, and their models are almost uniformly too young. But their front page, showing all their models, is designed for me. Here’s one row – five out of 3,341 models (according to the web site).
You would think, to look at this presentation, that the models’ mouths, and faces, would figure prominently. Alas, they don’t. The web site is all about vaginas. And, to a lesser extent, breasts. There’s no subtlety, no nuance. And too much too-young-ness.
Oh well.
You can’t always get what you want.
* This is not, strictly speaking, true. I do not objectify all women. I only objectify women with whom I’m contemplating having sex. And because I have boundaries, I don’t, actually, contemplate having sex with all women. Many? Yes. Most? Probably. All? No.