You prefer dresses, you said. Wear a dress. Please. Preferably a slinky cotton one. (If at all possible.)
Bring your vibrator.
We’ll meet at 6. Or – we won’t quite “meet.” Rather, you’ll stand at the appointed meeting place. I’ll have you until 10 or 11, I expect.
Once you’re at the meeting place, I’ll text you with instructions.
You’ll follow them, to a “T”.
You won’t ask questions, you won’t say no. You will simply do as you’re asked.
I’m in.
See you there. 🙂
Wait, there’s a queue? <<>>
The wonderful thing about the internet: nope. No queue. Step right up.
Man, you so have my number. To a T
What is it that one does with another’s number? Dials it? Cashes it? Whatever – that.