Black knee-high leather boots. Grey sheer leggings. A perfect heart-shaped ass, the likes of which is rarely seen on this earth. A turquoise knit sweater, extending below a brown leather jacket. Perfectly straight, lustrous blonde hair.
She took her jacket off to reveal a black knit sweater atop the turquoise one, and to reveal, as the black sweater slid off her shoulders, that the turquoise one is, in fact, a tank sweater, revealing round, delicate, freckled shoulders.
I never saw her from the front.
I’d have said it was me… lol… if it weren’t for the fact that I don’t have a brown leather jacket, but a black one.
Wow. I need to see your ass, then. Because hers was un-fucking-believable.
Scratch that. I just need to see yours. 😉